Items from Denim Glasses are sold in both used and unused condition. We do our best to try to upkeep the quality of our stock, but in some cases it is beyond our expertise to remove some of these inevitable signs of wear. Please pay notice to the respective condition grades given to each garment or item listed on denimglasses.com.
Please acknowledge that the conditions and measurements that are specified in the descriptions of each listing, are amateur metrics, and do not guarantee the proper fit, lasting life, and specified physical condition of the garment or item. If unsure, please direct any and all questions about these concerns to info@denimglasses.com, or direct message @denimglasses on Instagram.
Given the the provided resources and information, returns, refunds, exchanges, and cancellations are not accepted. All sales are Final and will be shipped to the Shipping Address on file unless otherwise stated.
Thank you.